As many technology-minded people are no doubt already aware, Microsoft's new Zune music player is bad for the industry for more reasons than merely its lack of style and just-a-bit-too-late-to-the-party device immaturity.
That's right: Microsoft has agreed to give Universal one dollar for every Zune sold. This is akin to the "piracy tax" that Canadians pay on blank CDs: since the device can be used to play illegally-obtained audio, the music distributor is asking for recompense on those acts of piracy that will "inevitably" occur with the new device. Granted, in the U.S we used to pay a similar "piracy tax" on blank audio cassettes, but the public as a whole was neither interested nor informed.
But since Microsoft has allowed one peddler of recorded music to get in on profits from the Zune, this may open the floodgates to distributors asking for a cut of profits from sales of other devices as well. The link below goes to John Gruber's fictionalized discussion of how such a meeting between Universal and Apple might go, if the media giant wanted to get a piece of the iPod at their next iTunes contract renegotiation.
(Warning: satire ahead)
Daring Fireball: Conjectural Transcript of the Upcoming Negotiations Between Apple and Universal Music
Tuesday, December 5
John Gruber on Universal Music Group
Posted by augmentedfourth at 1:47 PM
tags: daringfireball, funny, music
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The Geek Code desperately needs updating, but in any case here's mine (as of 2010-02-28):
Version: 3.12
GIT/MU d+(-) s:+>: a C++> ULXB++++$ L+++ M++ w--() !O !V P+ E---
W+++ N o++ K? PS PE++ Y+ PGP t !5 X- R- tv+@ b++ DI++++ D--- e*++
h--- r+++ y+++ G+
If you really care about knowing what that all means, you either know the code already, or you can get it decoded for you here.
Well then sir, I have a question for you. Off topic from the Universal extortion scheme; but don't worry, it's not one that I want to look over. Perhaps you should bring it up again when we see and outcome between Apple and the major labels. Rediculous I say.
You commented on my site about connecting to your server from anywhere. I'm curious as to how you went about doing that.
Currently I have a VNC client that is open to the internet, where I can take control of this particular computer and do whatever I want. I was into setting up a VPN server on this computer as well, so that I can have access to all my network shares; but stopped due to both complexity and the fact the Windows built in VPN never worked for me.
It's great the direction the internet is going. All of our e-mail, bookmarks, news and photo albums are online for access anywhere in the world. However, being able to access my files from anywhere proves to be tricky.
2 things before I go.
1). Dude... Command Line? There's no reason to be THAT hardcore about it :P
2). And yes, seeding Linux on torrents is a noble cause. I commend you for your generosity. Plus, we should be able to download any television show that we desire. Maybe I'm just slow to give into the fee iTunes / Xbox 360 charge to watch tv shows that are freely distributed over the air anyhow. Perhaps if they labeled it as a 'bandwidth charge', I would be willing to consider it.
This comment Harry left is really part of a conversation we were having over on his blog.
My apologies. Should have posted the source, but I figured that since the Q&A has turned sides it would be appropriate to continue it over on your neck of the woods. :P
Oh, no problem... I just wanted to provide context for anyone who sees your comment on my blog and is confused.
I guess I thought you were just trying to get my attention rather than actually move the conversation to "my turf," so to speak. Either location works for me!
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